Halloween – trick or treat?!
Halloween is always a great time of year for ghoulish fun. Here at theheadonista.com it’s always a good time for dressing up. These days Halloween is all about extravagant fancy dress and an excess of sweets… but look back at the origins of this holiday and you’ll see that it’s about so much more than fancy dress and treats.
Halloween, or Samhain as our celtic ancestors called it, is the time of year when the veil between the worlds of the living and dead are thinnest. Traditionally this means that the spirits of the dead are closer and more accessible than usual. Gifts of food were given to appease hungry spirits and to show that the ancestors are venerated and respected. The tradition of dressing up can also be traced back to our celtish ancestors. The Celts wore costumes made from animal hides to aid them in their ceremonial predictions for the coming year.
Halloween – trick or treat?!
Whether you are dressing up for fun, to scare the locals or to commune with the spirits of your ancestors…The Headonista has you covered! Is your inner Goth just screaming to get out?! Are you zombie curious, feeling mystical, supernatural or just downright horrific? Anything is possible. With one of my headdresses all eyes will be on your head!
Dressing up is always fun and Halloween is the perfect time to explore your dark side. This Halloween why not trick others or treat yourself at theheadonista.com
Check out my Halloween collection here or get in touch if you want to order something bespoke
…and with the Day of the Dead — El Día de los Muertos to celebrate on the 2nd of November it’s only a couple of days before you can wear your creation again!